Moms in Business: Work/Life Balance

Finding a balance between work and family life is one of the biggest challenges for working moms. It’s not easy to achieve a balance in our high-productivity society of today, but it’s possible and here’s how I found a way to do it:
I made a conscious decision to find balance.
Achieving work-life balance can be overwhelming. I have learned through my experience that it is very important to find the right job/company/boss. I passed up a high-paying, but high travel, software sales opportunity and found a job in recruiting that enabled me to work locally, still make high commissions and work remotely when needed.
I learned to ask for help.
I was raised to be independent and do things on my own and not have to lean on others for help but soon realized as an adult, you need to lean on those you love. It takes a village to get things done properly. Once I “got over myself” and asked my friends and family for help, I realized that the people around me were happy and willing to help me with my children with play dates and sleepovers and exchanging kid-watching days and soon, life became much easier.
I accepted that the balance scale is always moving and that’s OKAY.
Some days WORK takes priority. Other days HOME takes priority. I do my best to be present and focused on the task at hand, eat healthy, find time to meditate, take walks, plan fun activities for my children and then I can hyper-focus on recruiting. My career has given me the financial freedom to travel and enjoy family time while cultivating my social network, stimulating my brain and honing my communication skills within the workplace. I feel blessed beyond words for both my family and my work.